For advice queries, please call 0207 473 9681, to speak to one of our team.
Our Youth and Employment services enable people to realise their potential by removing barriers to success, building confidence and improving life skills.
Community Links delivers projects promoting early diagnoses of cancer by increasing the uptake of the NHS Cancer screening programmes and raising awareness
From our base in east London, we apply the learning from our local work to influence and achieve positive national change.
Our community services and programmes directly address some of the key challenges that hold people back.
17 March 2015
Prevent Today or Pay Tomorrow: Time for Government to put prevention first. A report detailing how Government can implement Early Action in 100 days.
10 November 2014 | Community Links
A qualitative study on the cumulative impact of Welfare reform in the London Borough of Newham. Wave 2 Report.
15 September 2014 | Community Links
This paper briefs politicians on early action – intervening earlier at all points in people’s lives, not just in early childhood - to prevent costly problems from arising later.
15 June 2014 | Community Links
This paper aims to provoke thought and encourage discussion about how the UK’s social security system should change.
5 April 2014 | Community Links
How ongoing, participatory employability assessments could improve outcomes for jobseekers
17 March 2014 | Community Links
A qualitative study on the cumulative impacts of welfare reform in the London Borough of Newham.
15 March 2014 | Community Links
We believe a better understanding of how funding – in the public and the third sector – is split between late, acute provision and early preventative action will help commissioners, funders and delivery staff plot a shift towards early action.
7 March 2014 | Community Links
Learning the lessons about doing things differently to grow strong communities.
23 November 2013 | Community Links
PhotoSpeak is a community education digital photography project hosted by Community Links, at the Chandos East Hub, Stratford. PhotoSpeak has equipped participants with new skills, honed their existing abilities and provided them with a new-found confidence.
16 September 2013 | Community Links
Working in Newham on early action to save lives