For advice queries, please call 0207 473 9681, to speak to one of our team.
Our Youth and Employment services enable people to realise their potential by removing barriers to success, building confidence and improving life skills.
Community Links delivers projects promoting early diagnoses of cancer by increasing the uptake of the NHS Cancer screening programmes and raising awareness
From our base in east London, we apply the learning from our local work to influence and achieve positive national change.
Our community services and programmes directly address some of the key challenges that hold people back.
21 October 2008 | Community Links
We believe that willing citizens are the energy that drives the making of the good society. We want to help make the good society and we believe that we can.
21 September 2008 | Community Links
This paper aims to set out the learning that has been amassed from the successful development of the Heart of the City “Newcomers’ Programme”, launched by the Corporate Responsibility (CR) Minister at the Bank of England in 2004.
21 August 2008 | Professor David Grayson
1 May 2008 | Community Links
The study concludes that in order to achieve a good society the priority is to revive democracy, or in other words, move towards collective decision-taking and action in which government is one stakeholder amongst others.
21 February 2008 | Community Links
This report is the work of the Council on Social Action, and as such it makes recommendations to the government and to others in its capacity as an advisory body, independent of government. It is not a government document or a statement of government policy.
8 July 2007 | Dr Marlen Llanes, Aaron Barbour
The informal economy is part of the UK’s economic and social landscape. The use of deterrents or ‘sticks’ has not succeeded in eradicating informal economic activities and can drive businesses further into the hidden or shadow economy.
13 April 2007 | Community Links
This report aims to understand the impact of this complexity on individuals in the light of the Government’s anti-poverty and full employment goals.
15 February 2006 | Geraldine Blake, David Robinson and Matthew Smerdon
A report encouraging boldness in third sector organisations.
5 September 2004 | Community Links
This report is the first of a two-part series, focused on people working in the informal, cash or grey economy.
13 August 2002 | Community Links
A celebration of innovative projects tackling child poverty from the ground up.